Actionable AI — Whiteboard Friday

And what I always encourage beginners to experiment with is get a Proof of Concept. Just see if these different tools are capable of doing the thing that you want them to do. So for example, go straight to ChatGPT, go straight to Gemini, go straight to the source, get that Proof of Concept, and then we can start thinking about these higher-level integrations and tools. MidJourney, is slightly more technical, just because you have to be on Discord. But what gets really exciting is things like NotebookLM. This is a free tool by Google. You can upload a source of information or data, and you can query against that. So recently, I uploaded my “Large Language Model Guide,” and I created a glossary like that, right? (finger snapping) I created a quiz; you can create a study buddy for students. It’s really, really powerful.

And then up from there are Platform Integrations. These are things like GPT for Sheets Plugin, so, so powerful. A student recently wanted to take product descriptions and come up with title tag, meta description, and draft up social posts for Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. And so we thought as a class, “How can we best do this?” And GPT for Sheets has a formula that auto-splices it into columns. And so with just one formula that was referencing the product description, whew, we’re able to automatically generate rough drafts for all of these things. Again, there should always be a human in the loop, but how exciting to start to incorporate this in ways that really help you focus on higher-level things and help you do more strategic work. And so again, always, always break your task down into specific steps and figure out if GenAI or AI is qualified for that. And to be where the user is, right? So if it’s that Lead Generation Email Filtering, come up with a solution like a model through Zapier for Gmail that can auto-flag what’s a potential qualified-lead versus spam.

So hopefully, this gives you more of a framework to work from in terms of how to incorporate this technology into your work, into your life. And if you’re interested in learning more about this AI ladder and making, you know, more of an actionable end-to-end solution, please feel free to check out my, Maven Course. I’m helping people do that on the Fundamentals of Generative AI.

And thank you so much for watching this, “Whiteboard Friday.” This has been so fun. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to tag me online, whether that’s X or LinkedIn and Instagram. Let me know if you have any thoughts and I look forward to seeing you all soon. Thanks.

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