Welcome to HubSpot Marketing News! Tap in for campaign deep dives, the latest marketing industry news, and tried-and-true insights from HubSpot’s media ...
When ChatGPT came on the scene last year, it changed the entire artificial intelligence industry. This generative AI tool produces answers to almost any ...
Did you know that YouTube currently has 2.6 billion active users a month and is projected to grow to almost 3 billion active users by 2025? Just as ...
Have you ever spoken with customer service via a chatbot? If you're like me, you sometimes wonder if the other voice is a human or an astute AI assistant. ...
Marketers commonly use social media to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and improve traffic. If you’re tasked with starting a social media strategy ...
If everyone visits a factory and takes a sample, it goes out of business.But if everyone in the community takes an idea, that idea goes up in value....
No matter your line of work, people are searching for your business online.Let’s look at a few reasons why search engine optimization (SEO) is ...
Choosing the best organizational structure for your company, division, or team is a lot like picking out a new car. At the most basic level, you're always ...
Ah, AI. It's quickly become one of the buzziest words of 2023, akin to the popularity of the phrase "new normal" in 2022. And for good reason. AI is poised ...
The COVID-19 era was notoriously a rollercoaster for marketers, who had to pivot their strategies constantly as the world changed.As if one unprecedented ...