Our Beautiful New Hardcover Book

Have you ever wanted to learn SEO away from your computer screen? We just published a beautiful hardcover book teaching the fundamentals of SEO.

Here it is in all its glory:

The cover of our new SEO book for beginners
Inside our new SEO book for beginners

It covers everything from how search engines work to keyword research to link building. In other words, all the stuff you need to know to hit the ground running and start ranking higher in organic search.

But why did we write this book? And more importantly—how do you get a copy?

Here’s everything you need to know.

Why we wrote the book

If you’re new to SEO, our blog can be a little… overwhelming.

Despite being packed with helpful information and resources, I’ll happily admit that knowing where to start is hard. Should you read the most recent thing we published? Click on a random category? Who knows—maybe your best bet is to try to read everything?

(Please don’t try that last option.)

Last year, to help solve this problem, we published the beginner’s guide to SEO.

For this, we rounded up our best posts for beginners, updated them, and made them the chapters in our guide.

The online version of our beginner's guide to SEO

This is a great resource, and we’re proud of it. The only problem is that at almost 20,000 words, it’s a bit long to read in one sitting. And while you can easily bookmark the chapter you’re on, jumping back to the exact spot on the page is a bit more… challenging.

So, we asked ourselves, how could we make a resource the length of a book easier to consume?

The answer was obvious: by turning it into an actual physical book. So that’s what we did.

We didn’t cut corners on quality, either. It has an embossed hardcover and color illustrations throughout—all printed on super high-quality paper. The aim was to publish a book that looks great on your shelf, work desk, or coffee table.

How do I get a copy?

Sorry. I’m afraid there’s no “buy it now” or Amazon link here. We’ve only printed 2,000 copies of the book so far and plan to give most of them away.

Here are your options if you want to get your hands on one:

  1. Enter a giveaway. We’ll soon do some of these on social media and in our private community.
  2. Look out for us at SEO conferences. We’ll give some out next week at BrightonSEO and a few other conferences throughout the year.

If we see overwhelming demand, we might begin to sell them. So please let us know if you’re desperate for a copy, and we’ll consider printing another batch.

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