40 Rebranding Announcement Email Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration in 2024)

Ever think you’d click on a HubSpot article about rebranding announcement email examples, only to be met by a pro-wrestling anecdote? Well, batten down the hatches, reader, because we’re heading back to pre-World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) in three, two, one.

Sparked by a long-running legal dispute with another famous WWF (the World Wildlife Fund), the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) finally relinquished its name in 2002.

The sports entertainment giant went out swinging, launching the now iconic “Get The F Out” marketing campaign before officially changing its name, logo, and website to WWE.

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The WWF was already a well-known company and, despite a rebrand by force of hand, remained renowned after the fact.

Long story short? Whether you love or hate the promotion — heck, whether you love or hate pro wrestling — the WWE managed to take litigation lemons and turn ‘em into marketing lemonade.

Sadly, I don’t have that rebranding email announcement at hand (did the WWE even send one?!). But I do have a ton more incredible examples to illuminate and inspire you.

40 of the Best Rebranding Email Examples

Grab your beverage of choice and get comfy because it’s time to dig into 40 of the best rebranding email examples for your viewing pleasure. Let’s get into it.

1. Featured

In July 2023, Terkel rebranded to Featured — and with the new name came a new logo and website.

I spoke with Featured Founder and CEO Brett Farmiloe about the change.

According to Farmiloe, “‘Featured’ more clearly states what we do: get experts featured in incredible media outlets and provide feature quality content to our publishing partners.”

Brett explains that since the rebrand, more than double the number of publishers (now 1,000+) ask questions on Featured. There are also over double the number of experts answering questions on the platform (now ~30,000 experts).

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Part of the success was arguably down to Featured’s simple and direct rebranding announcement email. It offered a clear explanation of the changes — including why the company made them and how they impacted users.

But perhaps most importantly, Featured gave existing users clear guidance about what they needed to do next (login to their account via Featured.com.)

What I like: Brett and the Featured team made a bold yet carefully considered move with the name change. In Farmiloe’s words, “This was a big decision for a seed stage, venture-backed startup to make 18 months into our company history.” I love that this rebrand paid off and that the rebranding announcement was clear and well-considered.

2. Wise

Early in 2023, I opened an interesting-looking email from money transfer resource Wise.

Real talk: I clicked “open” because I was skimming emails on mobile and assumed it was a payment confirmation. To be fair to Wise, the confusion was due to my haphazard skimming (and wishful thinking!) rather than Wise’s messaging. Because that messaging, my friend, was masterful.

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Anywho, the crux of the email was that Wise had a new look, switching up the color scheme from blue to “clean, bold, green.” Aside from the color scheme, the company had gone all out with the rebrand, sporting a new logo and different typography.

Humans aren’t always the biggest fans of change (myself included!), so having such a stark new look could’ve been unnerving for Wise’s client base.

However. the rebranding email announcement centered its customers as the inspiration for the changes. The masterful messaging also made it clear that the service remained the same despite a bold new look.

What I like: I loved how Wise put its customers at ease with clear messaging about its service, which remained the same. I also dug how everything about the rebrand was linked to the company’s values, vision, and, most importantly, its customers.

3. Centraal Beheer PPI

Shout out to Hristina Stefanova, head of operations at Goose‘n’Moose, for forwarding me this next pick and some context about the rebrand.

“The two emails come from the time I was still residing in the Netherlands and therefore making pension contributions to a Dutch pension fund,” says Hristina.

Hristina explains that the ABN Amro team opted for its existing brand identity when announcing the takeover and transfer to Centraal Beheer. But, this announcement email was one of the last (if not the last) times the company communicated under that brand identity.

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The above email screenshot is Centraal Beheer PPI’s latest look, with the most noticeable difference being the name change, logo, and color scheme.

What I like: I appreciate the way Centraal Beheer PPI announced the name change to its customers before emailing the new branding.

When it comes to anything like money or pensions, you really want to make sure you put your customers’ minds at ease during any transitions. So, I imagine this staggered approach would’ve made the changes less jarring for existing customers.

4. 123FormBuilder

123FormBuilder started in 2008 as a regular contact form tool.

The original name was 123ContactForm, and its tagline was “As easy as 1-2-3” for building contact forms. As years passed, users increasingly adopted the tool for more than just contact forms (e.g., event registration forms, order forms, surveys).

The company wanted to reflect this evolution in the name, so 123ContactForm became 123FormBuilder.

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In its rebrand email announcement, the company updated customers about the name and logo change. But 123FormBuilder also clued them into the context behind the changes.

Like Wise, 123FormBuilder’s messaging reassured its customers that despite rebranding, the company still had the same mission. A mission closely linked to doing the best for its customers.

What I like: I like that 123FormBuilder simultaneously announced the rebrand and its new product launch.

With a subject line like “We have an important announcement to make,” more people likely opened the email. And by also including the new product launch, 123FormBuilder capitalized on those extra eyeballs.

5. Resting Business Face

Our next example is from tax professional and business consultant Michael Eckstein. Eckstein is the mastermind behind Resting Business Face, a weekly newsletter about small business finance and strategy.

For context, Eckstein’s practice website originally started as ecksteintaxservices.com and then became ecksteinadvisory.com.

The latter is where the newsletter started and what eventually led to the restingbusinessface.com rebrand.

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When changing up any aspect of your business and explaining the changes to your customers, clarity is critical. And the email Michael sent out announcing the changes was impeccably clear.

Clarity aside, the content of the email stayed true to the loveably sassy tone of the weekly newsletter, which made for an engaging read. You can also tell how much Michael genuinely cares about the members on his email list.

An example of this empathy is how he reminds readers about updating their preferences and thanks them for reading at the bottom.

What I like: I love that Michael has made the instructions crystal clear — including a detailed breakdown of how to allow the new email address to be listed.

Another interesting aspect of this rebranding email is that Michael gave his readers the heads-up before the changes happened. That’s a good idea because it gives the email the most chance of landing in the right place. (Rather than, say, landing in the promotions tab or spam.)

I also think the “What did you think of today’s issue?” section at the end is clever because it shows he welcomes (and therefore values) his readers’ feedback. When your emails make people feel valued, they’re more likely to resonate.

6. Candour

Candour is a digital agency offering SEO, PPC, and digital marketing services. In 2018, the company rebranded from ApplinSkinner to Candour. With the rebrand came a company name, logo, and web address change.

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The email frontloads crucial information, diving straight into the most significant change (transitioning from ApplinSkinner to Candour.) This is followed by the dictionary definition of candour: “The quality of being open and honest; frankness.”

I think this is such a creative way of introducing the new name’s meaning and, in turn, the broader connotations of the rebrand. The email then reinforces this by sharing the finer points behind Candour’s decision to rebrand: Wanting to represent its “ethos of transparency and refreshing honesty.”

What I like: I love that this email invites readers and customers to come along for the rebranding ride — making it a customer-centric collaborative journey. One way Candour achieves this is by announcing the branding changes and immediately inviting customer feedback on its new website.

7. Uscreen

Uscreen, the all-in-one video membership platform for creators, recently rebranded. Part of its brand refresh included a “vibrant makeover” of the company logo. Towards the end of January 2024, the company sent an email revealing the change.

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I think the opening of this email is clever. As a subscriber to Uscreen’s email list, I like that the messaging makes me feel like this logo reveal is exclusive. It’s also cool how the email links the brand changes to Uscreen’s new product updates and features. The email then doubles down on this by letting readers know there are even more exciting updates en route. Overall, these touches make the email more engaging.

What I like: I like that the rebranding announcement email opens with a question. I don’t know about you, but I’m always more likely to engage with content if someone asks me a direct question. It makes me pay more attention and want to respond.

8. Shift

First things first: I’d like to thank Matt Janaway, CEO of Marketing Labs, for sharing the next three examples of rebranding announcement emails. (Pleo and Notion Calendar to follow!)

Now, let’s dive into Shift, a browser that integrates web apps. In December 2023, the Shift team emailed existing users announcing the forthcoming rebrand. The “fresh new look” included a new logo and updated color scheme.

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This rebrand announcement email example works because it’s short, sweet, and to the point. The email format also factors in user experience, with headings, bullets, and bold/italic text for a better reading experience. In short, even if you just scanned this email, you’d know what’s changing and what that means for you.

What I like: I think it’s effective how the email doesn’t just tell users what changed and why. But also where they would see the changes when using the product or interacting with the Shift brand.

9. Pleo

In 2020, Pleo, a business spending solution, rebranded with a new logo, color scheme, and updated fonts. Pleo initiated the changes to celebrate “the values that we already know connect with customers like you: trust, transparency, and empowering your people.”

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Pleo’s subsequent rebranding email announcement works because it’s so darn visually pleasing. The color palette is beautiful, and the headings help with readability.

Why is that important? Because when an email’s aesthetically pleasing, it’s not just easier to read, but people are more likely to want to read it all the way through.

What I like: Design delight aside, the creative subject line “Out with (most of) the old, in with the new Pleo” hooks you in without being overly sensationalized or clickbaity. In short, it lets readers know exactly what to expect from the email and does so in a fun way.

10. Notion Calendar

At the time of writing, the dust has barely settled on Notion’s announcement that Cron is now Notion Calendar: “A unified way to manage all the things competing for your time.”

Although they acquired Cron in 2022, the calendar app’s final amalgamation into Notion could’ve felt slightly abrasive for existing users.

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So it was paramount that Notion Calendar’s rebranding announcement email a) put existing Cron users at ease, and b) gave them everything they needed to know to continue to use the product with as little friction as possible during the transition.

In my humble opinion, the announcement did a great job of tackling both a) and b). The email clearly explained the reason for the change and what users should expect from Notion Calendar right now. Painting a vision for the future — a vision users could get excited about — was the final icing on the cake.

What I like: I think the aspect of the email I liked the most was how Raphael signed off at the end with some subtle next steps outlined for readers — i.e., stay in touch through the new email channel and stay tuned to Raphael’s X account.

11. Meetanshi

In 2021, Meetanshi, a platform providing Magento extensions, services, and solutions for ecommerce businesses, announced its rebranding with a completely new look.

The company was approaching four successful years in business and recognized how its team, core values, and offerings had evolved. The rebranding was the business’s effort to match and celebrate what “Meetanshi” had become.

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With a bold background color, sharp copy, and easy-to-read font, Meetanshi’s rebranding email announcement packs a punch. But of all those elements, I think the copy works especially well. It’s direct, yet conversational and easy to digest, making the email an easy, engaging read.

What I like: I love that peachy background color. It makes a bold statement, but it doesn’t overpower the copy, which remains legible.

12. BILL

Back in 2022, financial operations platform Bill.com changed its name to BILL and began “modernizing the look and feel” of the brand. The intention behind the brand refresh was to “create a more engaging experience.”

Meanwhile, the name change was inspired by how the company is referred to colloquially by its customers.

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Although the screenshot doesn’t show it, the subject line was “Spring has sprung — and so has BILL’s new look.” Of all the subject lines I’ve seen while crafting this article, I have to say that’s one of my favorites. It’s a quirky way of saying, “Hey, we have a new look.”

The email also fits the rebrand’s aim of creating a more modern feel — especially the graphic design elements. (The hand holding a mobile phone and the dotted flourishes give the aesthetic some modern energy.)

What I like: It has to be the color palette, design flourishes, and subject line for me. All of these elements combined make an impactful rebranding announcement email.

13. LOOP

Next up is LOOP. LOOP provides fair and equitable car insurance to customers based on how and where they drive. At its core, the company is on a mission to offer a fairer alternative to what currently exists in the “broken” car insurance industry.

LOOP is also a B-Corp committed to giving back to local communities. Those noble goals feed into the brand’s “Drive Good” tagline.

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When LOOP announced the rebrand, they said, “We’re going to start looking a little different. But it’s good different.”

Using and underlining the word “good” harks back to the company mission and tagline. But the phrasing also reassures customers that while the company has rebranded, LOOP will remain true to its core mission and values.

What I like: I love that the LOOP rebrand was inspired by its mission and values. And I really love that the founders explained the intention behind the rebrand so thoughtfully in their rebranding announcement email.

14. Rocketseed

Rocketseed is a leading B2B SaaS company offering business email signature management to a global customer base. I spoke to Rocketseed’s Global Marketing Director Jennifer Bassett about rebranding.

“In September 2023, following in-depth research and a strategic review, we ‘refreshed’ the Rocketseed brand to reflect the ability of our platform to give customers ‘one-to-one email marketing at scale,’” says Bassett.

Part of the brand refresh included updating various aspects of the company’s brand identity and communications while keeping Rocketseed’s name recognition and trust.

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According to Bassett, Rocketseed sent a mailer to the company database announcing the brand refresh. But, they also implemented a more sustained email approach, sending out “impactful, interactive banners announcing the brand refresh.”

These banners were “applied at the top of every business email that our staff sent to customers, prospects, and partners for the following month.”

By clicking the banner’s call-to-action (CTA), recipients could read a detailed explanation of Rocketseed’s brand refresh, its core brand values, the visual updates they could expect to see, and the significance of the new tagline “one-to-one email marketing at scale.”

What I like: I love that Rocketseed took an iterative approach to its rebranding announcement emails by sending an explainer and following up with a rebrand announcement banner at the top of all email communications.

15. Endota

Endota is a purpose-led brand that develops COSMOS organic certified and results-based skincare. Endota Founder Melanie Gleeson started the company in 2000 to “give back and inspire people to connect with themselves, the environment, and others.”

Both the rebrand and the rebranding email announcement reflected Gleeson’s continued vision. You need look no further than the email’s subject line, “A new look for Endota to continue to nourish and nurture you,” to see that in action.

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The email layout, with a human image to draw the reader in and plenty of white space for readability, also works. This creates a calming vibe that reflects the nourishing element of Endota’s products.

In terms of the content, there’s not a lot of writing, but what they do have counts. Like LOOP, the brand links all the changes to its original mission. Then, it reaffirms that it’s still committed to that vision.

What I like: I think the affirmation at the end of the email is such a nice touch. It showcases Endota’s focus on helping customers mindfully embrace well-being rituals. If the brand does this on all email communications, it helps retain some continuity while subtly aligning the rebrand as a force for good.

16. Butter

Butter is an online tool that helps you prepare, run, and recap collaborative sessions. In the email example below, Butter announced “A fresh new look” and some updated product features. The rebrand changes included a new icon set, color profile, and font.

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First, I love that “Oh, yoooouhoooo!” opener. It’s unlike anything else I’ve seen in other rebrand announcement emails. It just brings such a sense of levity to the email.

Then it’s followed up by a friendly “We hope you’ve had a great weekend…” Right out of the gate, this email content energized and excited me. As a result, it’s clear to me that they’ve worked hard to establish a strong brand tone of voice.

What I like: I like the subject line: “Butter updates: A crisp new look (+ a lot of smooth new stuff) ✨.” It immediately puts readers in the picture. Aaand, I’m also a sucker for an emoji — I think they make email subject lines more fun and, thus, more appealing. (A little more “clickable,” if you will.)

17. Anchor (Now Spotify for Podcasters)

So, the all-in-one podcast platform Anchor has been rebranded again since the below email example. For context, Spotify now owns Anchor, and the product goes by Spotify for Podcasters. Buuut, we’re not talking about that rebrand. So let’s r-r-r-rewind back to the rebranding email announcing Anchor’s “new look.”

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The subject email line “Introducing our new look” does what it says on the tin. But if I’m honest, it’s a little bland. That said, the tagline within the email body copy is delicious. “Anchor’s next wave” is a subtle nod to the rebrand, the company’s name, and the nature of the product.

The email explains the changes (a new logo and “splashes of color”) and links the rebrand back to the product. Anchor explains that this is “our form of self-expression,” and the company hopes it will inspire users to speak to their “heart’s content.”

What I like: I love that Anchor makes the rebrand more about its users than the company. They do this early by saying they’ve worked hard on the rebrand before bringing it back to how excited they are to share it with “you.” I also really like that the messaging links back to the company name and product by using words like “wave,” “splashes,” and “self-expression.”

18. Coca-Cola

Now, onto Coca-Cola, the carbonated soft drink giant that needs no introduction (but it just low-key got one anyway.)

This example differs slightly from most on this list because it involves rebranding a single product from a wider brand. That’s opposed to changing a single brand element that gets applied across products or services.

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Like Anchor, the subject line “Diet Coke Gets a New Look” is pretty basic. That said, the layout and presentation of Coke’s rebranding announcement email is just so pleasing to behold.

There’s a nice balance between imagery, copy, and white space, which makes it feel PRO-fess-ional. The layout also makes it easier to absorb all the information because none of the elements are fighting with each other for your attention.

Another significant aspect of this email is how the company reassures customers that the look is changing, not the actual formula. There’s also some excellent trust-building social proof in the email’s headline: “America’s No.1 Selling Zero-Calorie Beverage.”

What I like: I like that Coca-Cola doesn’t just announce Diet Coke’s “updated look” but also takes the opportunity to introduce four new Diet Coke flavors.

19. Hawaiian Airlines

Hawaiian Airlines, a.k.a “Hawaii’s largest and longest-serving airline,” unveiled its new look in 2017. The brand refresh included an updated logo “that honors Pualani and the Hawaiian hospitality she represents.”

Hawaiian Airlines hoped to “retain the essence of our brand and move forward with a bolder, truer expression of our unique identity.”

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The airline’s rebrand intention shone through in its email announcement, especially with phrasing like “Honoring the past. Looking to the future.” I think the subject line “A new look. The same authentic Hawaiian experience” also communicates the rebrand’s intent.

What I like: I like how respectful this rebranding announcement email example is.

By respectful, I mean Hawaiian Airlines is honoring tradition, heritage, and its vision, all while putting its customers at the heart of what they do. They mention “warmth,” “hospitality,” and “tradition,” and I’m not sure about you, but I feel all of that by reading this email.

20. Sttark

Next, we have Sttark, a custom packaging company based in Greenville, South Carolina.

Over its 17 years in business, Sttark expanded its offerings beyond custom product labels to include folding cartons and graphic design services for packaging.

As a result, in 2022, the company removed the word “label” from its name and went through a rebrand, switching from Frontier Label to Sttark.

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I spoke with Anissa, who is part of Sttark’s marketing team. According to Anissa, the 2022 rebrand was also around the time Sttark began experimenting with email marketing as a company.

“We had never done consistent email marketing campaigns before going through our rebrand. We used Klaviyo to send a straightforward email to our existing customers outlining our company name change and our reason for doing so,” says Anissa. The result of Sttark’s rebranding announcement email was “A 54% Open Rate and a 5.6% Click Rate.”

What I like: I like that, in Anissa’s words, Stark wanted to send “a straightforward email.” In my humble opinion, it was precisely that: straightforward and clear, and it respectfully conveyed the rebrand.

21. Pelago

Pelago (formerly Quit Genius) is a virtual clinic for substance use management. The clinic rebranded in 2023 with a “new name, look, and feel” intended to remove the stigma surrounding substance use.

The subject line of the rebranding announcement email, “Introducing Pelago (formerly Quit Genius),” gets straight to the most apparent aspect of the rebrand: The name change. With something as big as a name change, it’s probably better to stick to the KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) principle. So, points scored there.

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I do have to address the elephant in the room, though — a stunning opening paragraph … used twice. The thing is, it’s such a forgivable “mistake” because the mission of the rebrand (“to address stigma”) isn’t just clearly stated, but it’s a beautiful ideal to aspire to. So maybe that does bear repeating?

What I like: I like the simplicity and elegance of this email. It communicates the rebrand’s why, what, and how while remaining true to Pelago’s “substance use care, that works” company ethos.

22. Wellfound

The startup job search platform rebranded from AngelList Talent to Wellfound in the latter part of 2022. A need to distinguish two businesses under the AngelList umbrella sparked the new name and rebrand.

Each company had grown to serve different customer bases. So by keeping AngelList Venture the same, while transitioning AngelList Talent to Wellfound, they could establish distance between the brands.

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Like Pelago, Wellfound was announcing a name change. Also, like Pelago, Wellfound’s email subject line keeps it clear rather than clever.

“AngelList Talent is now Wellfound” instantly gets down to business, informing existing customers about the name change. But the friendly “It’s nice to meet you” follow-up takes it from being all business to a personable exchange.

What I like: The rebrand reflects Wellfound’s increased understanding of its target audience. The rebranding email announcement takes that premise and runs with it to the finish line. (See: “No one knows change better than the startup community,” as an example of Wellfound speaking directly to its target audience in a way that resonates.)

23. Weglot

Weglot is a no-code website translation solution that allows users to launch a multilingual website. In 2023, the platform revealed a new brand identity to “better convey who we are as a company.”

The aim was to reflect on the outside all the growth Weglot experienced as a team, as well as the evolution of its product since launching in 2016.

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This rebranding announcement email had me at “💅.” (Did I mention I’m a sucker for a well-placed emoji in an email setting?)

Personal preferences aside, the email immediately grabs the reader’s attention with a question–and–answer format. The rest of the content is just as must-read, with clear, engaging messaging and plenty of white space to let it all breathe.

What I like: I love that Weglot isn’t afraid to share messaging with personality. “You know you want to check it out, go go go!” is a perfect example of a fun CTA that drives customers to take a desired action. I also love that Weglot ends the rebranding announcement email by adding value (i.e., previewing tasty morsels like “GA4 tips for global brands”) to its audience.

24. Irresistible Me

Irresistible Me is a New York-based beauty company established in 2013.

When the company rebranded, it was a comprehensive transformation encompassing every aspect of its brand identity. Irresistible Me updated its logo, redesigned the website, and revamped its product packaging.

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Now, that’s a whole lot of change to get down on paper. And I think this rebranding announcement email example captures the essence of the rebrand journey well.

The icons are also a nice touch. They help to highlight the brand changes while the bold squares of color keep the eyes moving in the right direction. By the “right direction,” I mean where the critical information is throughout the email.

What I like: You can’t tell from the screenshot, but the star icons above “what is new” and “what’s the same” aren’t static; they’re animated. It’s a subtle animation, but it draws the eye and adds personality to the email.

25. Stark

Stark is a SaaS platform offering a suite of integrated accessibility tools to over 30,000 companies.

In October 2020, the company announced “$1.5M in funding, billing accounts, and a fresh re-brand.” Through the rebrand specifically, Stark hoped to “Change the way people around the world understand, see, and know about accessibility” and “change the way the industry spotlights disability.”

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I love that Stark gets right into the heart of its rebrand mission with the top image in the rebranding announcement email.

By doing this, Stark doesn’t just tell us but shows us its goals to “make clear that accessible design is beautiful, and disabled does not mean unable.” The “Read More on our blog” CTA button also offers the option to read more about the rebrand.

What I like: Aside from the stunning image, I love that Stark has bundled several announcements into one email. It shows that the brand doesn’t want to spam email subscribers. Taking the time to thank everyone who has supported Stark is another nice touch that humanizes this rebranding announcement email example.

26. Typedream

Typedream Links is a no-code link-in-bio builder.

Before it was Typedream Links, the link-in-bio builder went by Dumplink. Typedream initiated the rebrand so the link-in-bio builder could become “a seamless part” of its all-in-one bundle for creators.

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Typedream’s rebranding email is simple but effective. It explains the why behind the rebrand and introduces the tool’s improved UI.

I think it’s cool how Typedream takes the opportunity to share a sneak peek of the tool’s new features, too. Not only does this showcase the product, but the product preview images break up the text.

What I like: I love that Typedream clearly explains what readers can do next and pairs this with the social sharing CTA buttons. The sweet sign-off also brings the announcement back to what matters — the customer’s creative journey.

27. Motherboard

Motherboard is an employee benefits platform that used to be called roHealth.

The company changed its name to reflect the broader amount of company benefits on offer and the fact it was now a “comprehensive benefits management platform.”

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Sure, the email lacks bells and whistles. But I think that’s my favorite thing about the announcement. It has a specific target audience in mind, “Employers,” and speaks directly to them clearly and straightforwardly.

Even though there aren’t any images to break up the text, the white background, bolded subheadings, and font improve readability.

What I like: I like that the email clearly explains the changes, why they’re happening, and how they will impact this customer segment.

28. Withings

Withings is a health and fitness brand that provides health-based devices and a health-tracking app called Withings Health Mate. When the brand updated the app, it also gave the app icon a fresh look.

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Withings’ rebrand announcement email took the opportunity to address both the product updates and the logo refresh. The email explained how these changes reflected the company mission and linked that back to how its company mission relates directly to helping its app users reach their fitness goals.

What I like: I love the user-centric nature of this sentence: “Each of these new features has brought us closer to our aim: to provide you with all the help you need to reach your health goals, whatever they may be.”

It’s a great example of centering customers within your messaging. When the rubber hits the road, messaging tends to resonate better when it’s more about them (your customers) and less about you.

29. A2X

A2X, an ecommerce accounting software that serves businesses and accountants, updated its branding, switching from using illustrated images to more human ones. The image below is an example of a pre-rebrand email. As you can see, the graphics used are illustrations rather than photos of actual humans.

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The image below is post-rebrand. The illustrated imagery in the first email is high-quality and professional. But I feel like adding an actual human makes the second email more engaging. I would also say the post-rebrand email makes me naturally trust the company more because it feels authentic.

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What I like: I think the ability to build trust between consumer and company is perhaps the biggest takeaway here, especially given:

“A consumer’s level of trust in a company drives revenue-generating behaviors such as the likelihood to purchase again, preference for a company over competitors, trial of unrelated products, and propensity to share personal data” (Forrester).

So, if you want to build trust (and drive revenue-generating behaviors), try using photos of real people in your emails. I personally don’t think the images even need to be overly “polished.”

You could use a screenshot from a company Zoom meeting rather than professional headshots, for example. The most important thing is that the people look real and genuinely relatable.

30. Zight

Zight (formerly known as CloudApp) is an all-in-one screen recorder. CloudApp switched to Zight in April 2023, saying: “The new name and brand identity align with our mission to create a happier and more productive workplace for all.”

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In my opinion, this rebranding announcement email example works because Zight has framed it through the customer’s lens. You can see the company has prioritized informing and reassuring existing customers about the changes.

To see this approach in action, look at how Zight takes the time to explain the changes at the start of the email. Then, the brand closes with a P.S. section that empathizes with the user (i.e., “We know name changes can be an adjustment”).

What I like: It’s a subtle touch, but I like the way Zight has bolded the information that will likely be most pertinent to existing users. This makes it easier for readers to scan the email and quickly see reassuring information like their application login and pricing remaining the same.

31. Vidico

Vidico is a video production agency for tech companies.

The company’s 2022 rebranding “was driven by customer feedback, which emphasized the need for a creative partner who truly understands their product,” says Vidico Marketing Manager Laura Chaves.

The rebrand included a revamped portfolio, a fresh website, a new logo, and updated visual elements.

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Vidico’s rebranding email announcement gives a short recap of what’s changed and why, plus how this impacts customers. There’s also a nice balance between the visual and written elements. The approach worked. According to Laura, the email achieved a 33% open rate and a 4% click rate.

What I like: I really like the clear “Explore the new Vidico” CTA button. I also like that the email includes a short and sweet overview of the rebrand, with the option to “Head to our blog” for people who would like to learn more.

32. Summit

Summit is a lead-scoring engine for marketing machines.

After over a year in development, Summit announced it was “open for general access with a refreshed brand.” New use cases for sales, marketing, and product teams inspired its new positioning and website.

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Summit’s rebranding email opens with an intriguing subject line, “Big news at Summit ⚡️” featuring the thunderbolt emoji (which is very similar to its logo).

So, right out of the gate, Summit announced a change and incorporated the brand identity into the subject line. There’s also a good mix of imagery, headings, and bolded text to create that email must-have — readability.

What I like: I appreciated the use of well-placed outbound links that explained and highlighted the new product use cases. I also like that Summit has taken the time to answer two customer-focused questions about 1) how the product has changed and 2) if there’s still a free version.

33. Hunter

Hunter is an all-in-one email outreach platform. Formerly named Email Hunter, the company was rebranded circa 2016 with a new name, logo, and website. The rebrand was inspired by how Hunter had expanded its service.

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Hunter’s rebranding announcement email starts by taking a minute to celebrate what’s been an incredible year. Then, the company introduces the “major rebrand,” explaining what has changed regarding its brand.

But what I think steals the show in this email is the paragraph explaining that nothing has changed for Hunter’s customer base.

What I like: I like that Hunter went with this subject line: “Email Hunter becomes… Hunter!” I like it because it does the job of announcing the rebrand while avoiding the format of “New Look, Same [Insert Brand].” Don’t get me wrong, that format also explains the email is about a rebrand, but it’s pretty predictable. I also love that Hunter takes the time to thank customers for their support at the end of the email.

34. Castos

Castos is a podcast hosting platform aimed at growing brands.

The company walked the walk of its niche by discussing the rebrand on its weekly podcast. The podcast went behind the scenes, sharing the why, what, and how of the new website, logo, and color scheme.

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Although the rebrand deep-dive came via podcast, Castos worked the rebrand announcement into its weekly Podcast Roundup email. The email incorporates elements of the new brand identity, including the new color scheme.

It also takes the opportunity to share a 50% off deal and coupon code for its integration partner, MemberSpace, as part of the announcement. If you have an offer that adds value to your customer base, why not share it with them?

What I like: I love both the clear CTAs, including the CTA for the coupon. That said, the bold purple CTA button for “Listen to the Episode” is especially eye-catching. I don’t know about you, but the power of purple compels me…

35. ConvertKit

Well-known creator marketing platform ConvertKit made the bold move to rename in 2018. Although the switch from ConvertKit to Seva was short-lived, the rebranding announcement email is an interesting example.

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The email starts by openly acknowledging the rename “seems completely crazy.”

From then on, it’s hard to look away because the energy of the email seems frenzied, but darn, is it authentic.

There’s also an excellent use of a media embed (the video of Nathan Barry’s keynote speech at Craft + Commerce) to break up the text.

What I like: I love that the email ends with “If you have questions, just hit reply!” In a landscape of emails that say, “This is an automated email, do not reply” (or thereabouts), this approach adds a personal touch.

36. Netlify

Netlify is a modern web development platform for enterprises that rebranded in March 2023. The Netlify rebrand centered around a new logo, which was “an exciting first step toward a whole new visual identity.”

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Netlify’s rebranding announcement featured the main event (the new logo) at the top of the email, with a side-by-side look at old versus new. This is a visually exciting way to show the changes in action while incorporating the new brand identity into email communications.

The copy is just as exciting to read, opening with: “A spark of inspiration from over 3M developers. A new logo for Netlify.” This killer line is followed by a clear explanation of why (and when) the logo change is happening, plus a solid CTA at the end.

What I like: I love the entire feel of this email. It seems like Netlify is legitimately excited about the new logo, and that energy shines through the copy and visuals.

37. Dig Insights

Dig Insights is a Market Research and Consumer Insights company that rebranded in 2022.

The aim was to move from a traditional research company to a more modern, tech-first one. As such, the company sent out a rebranding announcement email explaining the changes.

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To me, this email works because it has the company’s target audience in mind. For context, Dig Insights’ clients are in marketing, so they’ll probably be more curious about the “why” behind the rebrand (which Dig clearly explains.)

The email ends with a few words from the company’s CEO discussing the new visual direction, followed by a section dedicated to “What next?” I think marketers will also appreciate those elements.

What I like: You can’t see it from the screenshot, but I love that Dig Insights’ email announcement illustrated the rebrand with a GIF. Showing the before and after with visuals is an excellent interactive touch that clarifies what has changed.

38. Hable

Hable is a change management consultancy that helps people to work better with technology. Last year (2023), Hable reached a point where the brand needed a refresh.

The brand “hadn’t been updated in some time and was no longer reflective of who we were as an organization. We’d grown up a lot, and we needed our brand to grow up with us,” says Hable’s Communications Manager Rosie Burrows-Hall.

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Because it was a “major rebrand,” Hable wanted to send out a rebrand announcement email to all contacts communicating the “new era for the organization.”

I think they achieved what they set out to do. The email takes the time to explain the brand changes and why they happened.

Hable shares some background information about how they rebranded, too. But what gives it the extra special touch is that Hable links the changes back to its customers.

What I like: I really like the overall vibe of the email. It feels well-considered and genuinely sincere, especially when Hable describes its values. The layout is also effective, with a nice mixture of imagery, text, color, and white space that keeps the email visually interesting.

39. Engyne

Engyne is a full-fledged SEO platform for B2B SaaS startups.

Formerly launchman.com, the company offered a programmatic SEO tool that was more focused on the affiliate marketing space. Engyne rebranded last year in line with product growth and changes.

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The rebrand announcement email works because it explains the product evolution and how this has informed the brand refresh. It also does a three-step breakdown of what this means for existing users.

What I like: I like that this rebrand announcement comes directly from the founders and that they’re encouraging people to reply to the email with questions. Reassuring users that Engyne will be “responding to each and every” email response is another personalized touch.

40. EmailToolTester

EmailToolTester helps small-to-medium-sized businesses compare newsletters, CRMs, and marketing automation tools. In 2023, the company rebranded and sent out a rebranding announcement email.

We kept it very simple and didn’t even mention the rebranding in our subject line,” says EmailToolTester Founder Robert Brandl. “The reason is that when a small business rebrands, it’s huge news for that business. But generally, others don’t care too much about it. That’s why we integrated it with our other content.”

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The simplicity of this rebranding email announcement speaks to me the most. It also focuses on adding value to the reader rather than centering the brand refresh.

EmailToolTester achieves this by sharing tips to increase email engagement, with only a subtle nod to the rebrand at the top of the email.

What I like: We could argue whether customers do or “don’t care too much” about company rebrands. I love to hear about company rebrands. But maybe you don’t. At the end of the day, it’s subjective.

That said, adding the brand announcement within a broader email has worked for EmailToolTester. That’s perhaps because they followed an approach that felt true to the brand and one they believed in.

Announcing Your Rebrand

We’ve looked at how 40 other companies announced their rebrands via email, and hopefully, you’re feeling inspired. But now it’s time for you to share your rebranding announcement email your way.

Providing the messaging is clear, the most critical element for success is taking an approach you believe in. Let’s break this down.

You can get the messaging clear by explaining the what/why of your rebrand and clearly communicating how any brand changes may or may not impact customers. If it makes sense (say, customers need to activate a new account), you’ll also want to cover what they need to do next.

But how do you follow a rebrand announcement approach that you believe in? Simple. (Well, kind of. Everything seems simple on paper, right?) Ask yourself if your rebranding announcement email resonates with your brand, values, and, perhaps most importantly, your customers.

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