4 TikTok Predictions that Creators on the Platform Are Preparing For [Expert Insights]

Few apps cycle through trends as quickly as TikTok. I spend endless hours scrolling through the app, and it feels like every other day, a new trending sound, topic, song, or challenge is going viral.

It can be hard to keep up, and I say this as a content creator and marketer whose job is to stay in tune with the latest happenings on social media.

Fortunately, I and a few other creators are savvy enough to see what TikTok trends are coming to the forefront in 2024.

So, if you‘re curious about what trends to look out for and what it could take to go viral on the app this year, you’ve come to the right blog. Here are some TikTok predictions for 2024, according to content creators.

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TikTok Predictions for 2024

1. Authenticity

It‘s well known that TikTok is one of the most popular apps among Gen Z. In fact, 63% of Gen Z social media users report using TikTok in the last 4 weeks, according to Statista.

It’s also no secret that Gen Z consumers crave authenticity and relatability in their media.

Don’t believe me? A recent survey shows that 82% of Gen Z consumers would trust brands more if they used authentic images of real customers in their advertisements.

Content creator and data analyst Sundas Khalid says Gen Z’s preference for authentic content will fuel the content that gets the most attention on TikTok.

“I expect storytelling, authenticity, and spontaneity to be the key themes in 2024,” she explains.

Khalid says, “Relatability was a big theme in 2023, and people found value in finding people they could relate to — but I think it was overextended to the point where it lost authenticity.”

She predicts relatability will still be valuable to TikTok audiences in 2024, but not if the creator or brand seems too keen on coming off as relatable to audiences.

“People would still want to relate but only if it’s authentic and doesn’t seem like ‘trying too hard,’” Khalid explains. “Being unique without being relatable will be more accepted and encouraged on the platform.”

Some of TikTok’s biggest stars grew their platforms by showcasing their real, authentic personalities. Perhaps the most compelling example is Keith Lee, one of my favorite TikTok content creators.

Lee rose to fame by doing food reviews of local, independent, and family-owned restaurants in his hometown of Las Vegas.

His unique on-camera presence, honest reviews, and acts of kindness helped him stand out. It also grew his TikTok following to 15 million and earned collaborations with celebrities like Kevin Hart and brands like Chipotle.

Recently, Lee went to several cities across the country to review restaurants, and, on some occasions, there were mishaps in filming and unexpected turns of events.

Instead of shying away from these issues or pretending they didn’t happen, he would share honest stories about what happened behind closed doors and why some restaurants received poor ratings.

His authenticity helped legitimize his reviews and build trust with his audience. Authenticity can do the same for your brand on TikTok.

And if you need extra help building trust with consumers on the app, consider partnering with influencers — especially micro-influencers.

Micro-influencers with 10,000 to 100,000 followers build deep relationships and communities with their viewers. They often yield more success for marketers than if they were to work with celebrities or macro-influencers.

Of the marketers who worked with influencers and creators in 2023, 64% worked with micro-influencers, making them the most popular choice for influencer marketers.


2. Educational Content

For years, Google was my go-to when I needed information on almost any topic.

While I still rely heavily on the classic search engine, I’m starting to use TikTok to gain insight on everything from pop culture updates to breaking news to how-to tutorials.

And I’m not the only one. A recent study found that 40% of consumers use TikTok for informative content. So, it makes sense that creators like Jon Youshaei predict education content will shine on the platform in 2024.

“Creating educational content will become even more important to going viral on TikTok in 2024 because of the platform’s rise as a search engine,“ he says. ”For years, TikTok has been where the For You Page is dominated by trends, pop culture, and memes.”

However, Youshaei says the tide is shifting as more people turn to TikTok to search for tutorials, recipes, and specific questions.

“There will be a rise in creators who can create content that provides answers, which is much easier to monetize and create a sustainable business around,” he explains.

For example, TikTok content creator Mndiaye97 has over 16 million followers and is known for posting humorous but educational videos on animal behavior and wildlife.

In addition to amassing millions of followers, Mndiaye97 content has also snagged him collaborations with BBC Earth and PBS. On average, his videos gain at least 1 million views and more than 100,000 likes. Some videos have as many as 20 million views.

Professional chef Cassie Yeung has over 3 million followers on the app and is known for showing her followers how to cook simple yet delicious dishes at home.

Her videos receive anywhere between 1 million to 10 million views or more on the platform.

Both creators provide helpful or interesting information in a friendly and casual way.

Mndiaye97 sprinkles every video with hyperbolic jokes and memes, and Yeung ends every video with “First bite, bestie,” followed by a genuine reaction to her meals.

So, in 2024, consider posting educational videos, but you don’t have to take the approach of a monotone lecturer. Have fun and give helpful information to your followers in a unique way to your brand.

3. More AI-Generated Content

“I think in 2024, you’re going to see more content created by AI. I think it’s going to get to a point where every other content you see on the app is AI-generated in some way,” says content creator Chris Dillon.

And I don‘t think that’s a far-fetched prediction. Nowadays, I often come across videos on TikTok that are entirely AI-generated or heavily rely on AI.

For example, one of the most popular styles of short-form videos is “Which Room/House/Place Would You Choose?”

These videos will feature AI-generated photos of aesthetically pleasing bedrooms, landscapes, and homes and ask users which they would choose to live or relax in—many of them wrack up millions of views and tons of engagement.

The Spongebob R&B covers popping up on the app is an equally popular but slightly more unhinged trend.

In these videos, creators use AI to manipulate the voices of cast members in Spongebob Squarepants to make the characters sing popular R&B songs by artists like Jasmine Sullivan or Keisha Cole.

Note: While the Spongebob trend is popular, it has raised many questions surrounding the ethics of using actors‘ voices to say or do things they usually wouldn’t.

Though I wouldn’t look to the Spongebob covers for inspiration in your next TikTok campaign (remember: ethics), I can attest that AI can be an excellent tool for generating short-form videos efficiently and quickly.

Just look at the video I made below, using only AI tools.

“Eventually, AI-generated content will feel stale and become oversaturated on the platform — to the point that authenticity will become even more important,” Dillon warns.

With that in mind, I suggest using AI as more of an assistive tool and being wary of becoming overly reliant on it to generate content meant to connect with your audience.

A page that strikes the right balance would be Jeremy the Manager on TikTok. The TikTok account follows a cat named Jeremy who lives (and “works”) at Citipups, a pet store in New York.

Employees at the business use a British voice to give the cat the personality of a cranky manager who intimidates his coworkers. The voice is AI-generated, but the employees create the dialogue and skits.

The voice is put over actual footage of Jeremy the cat hanging out around the store. In this example, AI is used for humor and doesn’t take away from the personality and authenticity of the content.

4. Recommendations

Of course, I’m both a content creator and a chronic TikTok scroller, so I figure I should put in my own two cents. I predict videos giving recommendations will see a massive boom in 2024.

Remember what Youshaei said about consumers using TikTok as a search engine?

That includes searching for recommendations. For instance, one of my favorite communities on TikTok is #booktok.

On the #booktok hashtag, creators recommend classic upcoming books for fans of horror, comedy, romance, and more.

So, in 2024, consider creating content recommending useful products and services to your consumers or collaborate with an influencer so they can recommend your brand to their audience.

And trust me, there are definitely consumers who will buy a product or service after seeing a recommendation on Tiktok. According to the platform, 50% of TikTok users have bought something after seeing it on TikTok LIVE.

Furthermore, 78% of TikTok users have purchased a product after seeing it featured in TikTok creator content.

Finally, let’s not forget that TikTok is especially popular among Gen Z consumers, and 33% of that demographic purchased a product from an influencer-founded brand in the past year.

Final Thoughts 

So there you have it: four trends creators predict will take over TikTok in 2024. Going into 2024, make sure your TikTok videos are authentic, but not relatable to the point of being cringy and overdone.

Consider creating content that is valuable and helpful, such as educational videos or product and service recommendations. And finally, be open to using AI as an assistive tool, but don’t let it strip your content of personality. 

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be scrolling TikTok again for the next hour or so. 


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